LEARN TO PAINT - Have a cup of tea, a coffee or a G&T and relax as I teach you how to add that magic light to your paintings. I will teach you good practices to improve your work using composition theory that works every time. 2 Hour workshops online using the ZOOM platform. It's easy, functional and fun to use, Zoom lets us all meet from anywhere in the world in the privacy of our own homes and learn new and exciting techniques and mediums. To Watch without downloading Software Click here.  VERY IN DEPTH and INTERACTIVE  - A 2 hr session will consist of One full painting and cover, composition, value, colour temperatures, depth of field, mark making and how to interpret a photograph. 

2 Hour Expressive Seascapes
Watercolour/Inks and Pastel
This workshop will feature heavily on composition. Expressive mark making and looking at photos from an artistic viewpoint. Arranging pleasing compositions with light, energy and movement.

Seascapes - Virtual Event  - 14th APRIL 2024  3pm London UK
FEE: £20.00

On Registration closing, I will send you login details and Zoom details

Click Here for more detail and what you will need for the workshop